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Writing your Thesis at HCI Bremen
Tips and tricks for your thesis in the HCI Group. Will guide you through all the important steps of your thesis.
Writing and Submitting Your PhD Thesis
Submit your thesis like a pro.
Organisation and Procedure
Basic information every thesis student should be aware of. Duration BA DM: 4 months BA CS: 3 months MA DM/CS: 6 months A hard deadline boosts productivity Language (German or English) Depends on sources Depends on doing a publication afterwards →...
Writing and Formatting
Most students write their thesis either in LaTeX or Word. Most of us are somewhat familiar with Word and find it easy to get started with writing. However, often you will spend significant time - especially when finalising your thesis - in getting the formatti...
Finding Literature
Sources ACM Digital Library CHI conference is a good starting point. All papers of each year are bundled in the "proceedings", e.g. Proceedings of CHI 2020 IEEE Digital Library Google Scholar (for citation export: check ACM DL or journal/publisher ...
Which statistical test to use?
To find out which test to use, make sure you know your data independent variables (groups or conditions; what you manipulate) dependent variables (what you measure) paired/unpaired data (do the same people go through all the conditions or not?; check ...
Tools / Software
Statistics R-Studio (or plain R in any Text Editor) R is made specifically for stats Jupyter Notebooks (Python) interactive Python environment: developing, documenting, execution and reporting the results in one document Google Colab for a coll...
Evaluating your Prototype / App / Idea
You will most likely conduct some sort of evaluation to test what you developed. This Study Design Document helps you asking the right questions. Use this template for study Information, data handling and consent. Standardized Questionnaires Here is a (Germ...
Colloquium Tips
Handy Dandy Presentation Tips Here are some useful tips for your presentation: If something is important, it should be both said and seen (i.e. both the spoken and visual channels should be used as redundant indicators) Information should be presented suc...
Your PhD Thesis Journey Most of the following information is from the Promotionsordnung. Get accepted as a PhD student at FB3 (form "Annahme als Doktorand"). This requires an Exposé, ideally done early in your PhD. Write your thesis Find a date for your ...