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Your PhD Thesis Journey
- Get accepted as a PhD student at FB3 (form "Annahme als Doktorand"). This requires an Exposé, ideally done early in your PhD.
- Write your thesis
- Find a date for your PhD Colloquium. Book a room.
- Find a second reviewer (see Promotionsordnung for criteria for reviewers). The first reviewer is your advisor (this might change with the new Promotionsordnung).
- Compile a Prüfungsausschuss: two professors/post-docs, two unversity staff/students (at least one of them a student). The reviewers are also part of the Prüfungsausschuss.
- Print three copies of your thesis. I recommend one-sided and soft-cover (cost me around 140€ for ~180 pages).
- Hand in the three copies to the "Geschäftsstelle für Promotionen" (currently Silke Völkers)
- The reviewers now have 6 weeks to send their reviews to the Geschäftsstelle für Promotionen.
- When the reviews arrive, they are published for 14 days at FB3.
- Plan a buffer of three weeks after you receive the reviews for the acceptance for colloquium ("Zulassung zum Kolloquium") through the Promotionsausschuss.
- Rock your PhD Colloquium.